Confab, your partner of choice

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An innovative pharmaceutical contract manufacturing company that supports the evolution of your business
Our services and processes are entirely oriented toward supporting your growth. Guided by innovation, from research to commercialization, we help you reduce the risks to which you are exposed. Confab is more than just a subcontractor; we are the partner to your success.
Complete facility where innovation and performance prevail
Confab relies one of the most efficient, safe and reliable development and production facility. We notably count on 32 manufacturing suites, 17 packaging suites and 8 independent ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems.
- High and reliable manufacturing capability for your pharmaceutical products
- Mobile equipment and extra suites to adapt production
- Facility inspected and certified by international agencies
- State-of-the-art equipment that ensures quality
- Centralized services for better process control
Company values dedicated to your
pharmaceutical production
Our desire to reinvent and innovate is what pushes us forward. Our goal: create dosage forms of the future.
We always deliver exceptional products, whether complex or simple, without compromising on quality.
Collaboration is the key to innovation and excellence. This is why we promote respectful, fluid and transparent communication.
Every day, our values convey a company culture that promotes discussions and communication at every level. Whether they come from colleagues, partners or clients, ideas are encouraged, and initiatives are applauded. As a people-oriented company, we believe that by recognizing individual contribution and collaborating in good faith we can successfully raise industry standards.
Confab is also one big family. We come together with one goal in mind: always do better. Whether that is through innovation, the quality of our work or our relationships. At Confab, there are no barriers; we advocate an open door policy where accessibility is crucial. This reality particularly allows our employees to grow and reach their full potential as members of our team.